Are you emotionally fit?

Are you emotionally fit?


Being emotionally fit involves building emotional strength, positivity, or being resilient during puzzling, troubling, and/or disappointing times, periods of sadness, and crises. During times of stress, your emotionally fitness involves identifying and using many strengths and traits that you already possess. 

You can be emotionally fit when:

  • you use positivity
  • embrace momentary pleasures,
  • are content in the space and skin you’re in
  • are hopeful for the future and a change agent
  • accept that all living things are constantly changing and evolving           
  • approach obstacles like a puzzle and embrace the challenge
  • are proactive and problem-solver
  • set small successive goals, little things make a big difference
  • are at peace (repeat to yourself peace in/tension out)

When you believe that peace already exists within you and just needs to be unearthed, you can feel empowered. Sometimes this understanding can help us to reduce stress and increase your level of emotional fitness. It also fosters hope and motivation for change. Peace is not something you have to work at finding outside of yourself-it comes from within. It is just covered up with layers upon layers of stress created by the way you perceive things. Visualizing peace and calmness already at the core of your being can help you feel more confident in your ability to take charge, enhance emotional fitness, and get back in the game of life! 


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10:00 am-7:00 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm





